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Halloween trick or treating in Maningrida

08 November 2019

The young people in Maningrida got dressed up all spooky to celebrate Halloween on Thursday, 31 October.
The festivities took place at the Maningrida pool after school, where there was lots of face painting with plenty of jokers, clowns, Army soldiers and skeletons.
In true build-up season style, it was a hot and sweaty afternoon so there was also a lot of reapplying of the face paint.
As dusk fell, the participants headed out around Maningrida with about 30 young people to humbug everyone for tricks or treats. 
The kids were over the moon with the loot they took home, and maybe a tad too much excitement running door to door yelling out to everyone.
To finish the night off with a disco at the pool to wear everyone out! 
Overall, it was a really fun night and Maningrida community showed great support in this activity for the kids!