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Emergency response team in full swing

15 March 2016

ROP_ERT ERA 1 Craig Owen, Des Purdue, Matthew Ernesti and Peter Sims.

SOME of ERA’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) abseiled off the edge of the Brine Concentrator at Ranger Mine recently.

The exercise was part of the group’s rigorous training program that prepares them for any emergency situation at Ranger.

Emergency Services Officer Peter Sims, who led the exercise, said should someone come into trouble at the top of the Brine Concentrator the team can now bring them to safety in the quickest timeframe possible.

“Rather than trying to carry someone down so many flights of stairs we can bring them down on the rescue cable way instead,” Peter said.

Peter says ERA’s ERT training is at the level of the Australian Fire and Safety Standards.

Via ERA ‘The Herald’ March 2016

ROP_ERT ERA 2 Peter Sims ready to start the rescue over the edge of the Brine Concentrator.

Peter practising coming down the rescue cable way