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Maningrida marches for vital cause

16 September 2016

COM_Maningrida march Maningrida delivered the message of ‘love and respect’ as the community joined in the Suicide Prevention March on Friday, September 9.

‘Love and respect’ was the powerful message Maningrida chanted as community members came together to support the Suicide Prevention March held on Friday, September 9.
The Love and Respect March was a joint project initiated through the Maningrida Choose Life Committee made up of many service providers in the community, and coincided with World Suicide Prevention Day on Saturday, September 10.
Not only did the march have an important message, but a huge number of groups joined together show support for the cause, with the school being the driving force for the march through the community.
GREATS Youth Services Manager Noeletta McKenzie said there was a great turn out on the day in support of the cause.
“The Learning on Country team organised the Bungul to ensure culture was embedded in the day, Youth Services cooked up the big feed of buff sausages for the marchers which was sponsored by Malabam Health Board SCFC program,” Noeletta said.
“All marchers and participants where given a red headband (colour of the day) with the words ‘Ngenbjllibal Nganora Kurruk yana Gurruta’ in the Djebbena language. The kids proudly displayed the headbands as they marched.”
The students were also strongly involved in the event, with the arts department from the school joining in wearing banners which the kids made.
“The kids had a megaphone that they used to chant our theme to raise awareness throughout the community. The school also provided coloured sand and the kids created the choose life committee logo on the beach with it.”
TEAM Health was also involved in the event by providing important information and handing out prizes, AFL NT also supported the march along with many others. The WIWA music and media program through Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation also captured footage and have created a small film for the community.